wait[ing] and see[ing].

Sunday, August 08, 2004

church tonight sucked.
seeing as pastor is out of town, ____ "played pastor"
and i just left feeling very disappointed in today.
it was so redundant and UGH!
i am so mad right now.
i shouldnt even be writing this.
i feel like she was preeching so much and repeating the same things that people started acting like fools so that she would just stop with her redundancy.
i also felt like she was rooting for everyone to get drunk in the holy spirit, almost forcefully, so that she wouldnt feel so self concious with a bunch of unimpressed kids staring at her.
i walked in completely ready for a touch from God, and left feeling like i should have stayed home.
i've never seen such a display of chaos.
well, i have.. but this was certainly negative.
it seemed to somehow falsify my belief that she was ready to be a pastor.

make that TWO flat tires.
last week[since its sunday] was VERY trying.
and this start does not look good.

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