wait[ing] and see[ing].

Sunday, September 05, 2004

two or four bits or pieces?

One thing I have found that is most difficult in this life we have on earth, is knowing you've met [and known for the upwards of five years for that matter] the person that was made for you.
What is even more difficult is the fear of thinking how it would ever work out.
And worse yet, is the matter of completely avoiding the topic of obvious perfectness for fear you are only being humored as to not have your feelings hurt.
I'd imagine thats probably the rejected child/teenager in me.
Then again, I never offerd myself to anyone to actually get to know me until i was roughly eighteen.
I doubt I would change anything given the chance.
I battle with feelings of ultimate contentment and absolute helplessness.
This wouldn't be such a terrible thing if I was not so sure of the fact that you never get to feel like you are satisfied with what you're doing.
There will always be the constant drive inside of us to what more money/love/success/luxury items/muscles/food/(fill in the blank)/friends.

OH! to have been born a simpleton.....

I've had a good few days.
Good, not great though.

I could talk about the clothes I bought(because I bought some very nice things).
I could talk about the people I hung out with(for once, I had company).
But it really doesn't even matter..
I can not shake this vitamin taste.

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